Friday, October 8, 2010

Don't ask, I won't tell

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Bob Gabordi is executive editor of the Tallahassee Democrat and He can be reached through this blog, at or (850) 599-2177

I’ve come to realize that I have a very serious personality defect. There might be others – more than one – but I've just come to realize this one is a defect. Most people are not so direct or rude, it turns out.

Here it is: When people ask me a question, I answer it directly.

You would think this is not a problem, but it is. I’m not good at sugar coating.

These are approximations of real conversations:

“Do you like my new hair style?” I was asked. No, no I don’t, I replied.

“Why won’t you play my boy at shortstop (second base, catcher, third, pitcher – it has happened at all positions),” the irate parent asked. Because he’s not very good there, I responded.

“Don’t you think news should be free?” the caller asked. No, I said, but that black Mustang convertible I’ve had my eye on should be.

“Do you think I should run for (such and such) office?” No, I don’t think you are qualified, I answered.

“Are you suggesting that I’m not honest?” a local politician asked. Me: Yes, that seems to be the case.

“Do you think I’m cheating your players,” the umpire demanded. No, sir. I just think you are not very good (I might have said horrible instead of “not very good” – I just don’t remember).

What I don’t know is whether it is a defect I acquired as a newspaper editor or a personality trait that helped me become a newspaper editor. I know this, though: it helps keep down conflicts on my calendar. Not a lot of people invite me over the house.

I’ve never understood why people ask questions for which they are unprepared to hear the answer.

For the complete blog:

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